Checking your vehicle’s engine oil is a quick and easy maintenance task that almost anyone can do. If you don’t feel up to changing your own engine oil, you can come to CMH Mahindra Pinetown, where our team will be happy to help. Oil should be changed about every three months or three thousand kilometers on most models. You can check your engine oil levels between your regular oil changes to ensure that they have not become too low or dirty.

Follow these simple steps from CMH Mahindra Pinetown to check your vehicle’s engine oil:
#Find a Lint-Free Rag:Locate a lint-free rag or a scrap of old fabric to use when checking your oil. An old t-shirt usually works great.
#Read Your Owner’s ManualIf you are extremely unfamiliar with what is under the hood of your vehicle, you will find a detailed description of where your dipstick is located in your owner’s manual.
#Warm Up Your CarIt is best to check your oil while it is warm. A great time to check your oil is after a quick trip to a local market or around your neighbourhood.
#Turn Your Car OffMake sure that you turn your vehicle off before you begin the process of checking its oil.
#Pop the HoodPull the handle located on the inside of your vehicle, usually on the side of the driver side door, and press the lever located underneath the centre of the hood. Make sure that the hood of your car is securely propped. There’s no point in feeling embarrassed if you do not know how to open your hood.

In most models, the dipstick is located on the left side of the engine. The dipstick usually has a yellow or orange circular handle that is clearly visible. When you pull this handle, a long piece of metal will slide out of the engine.
#Clean the Dipstick and ReinsertOnce you locate and remove the dipstick, clean it with your rag and slide it back in. Make sure that the dipstick is inserted all the way back in.

Next, remove the dipstick once more. Look at the end of the dipstick. Some models will have a line marked “full” while others will have a textured area that represents the capacity of the oil pan. The oil will appear amber in colour. It should be easy to discern the oil level by looking at the dipstick.
Normal OilLevel If the dipstick indicates that the oil level is normal, reinsert it.
Low oil level or Dirty OilIf the dipstick indicates that the oil level is low, touch the end of the dipstick with two fingers and feel the texture of the oil. If the oil is clean, you can add new oil using a funnel. If the oil is gritty, it is necessary to have your oil changed as soon as possible.

Checking your vehicle’s oil level is a simple task that takes only a few minutes to perform. If you have any doubts, feel free to visit CMH Mahindra and we will be here to assist you. Knowing how to check your oil will enable you to ensure that your engine is properly lubricated.
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