Why Do Engines Overheat?
There are many reasons why an engine can overheat. Something can go wrong with the cooling system, causing heat to not escape from the engine.

The source of the problem could be a cooling system leak, faulty radiator fan, broken water pump, or clogged coolant hose. Despite the prevalent issue from the source, an overheating engine is repairable.
Here are some tips from CMH Mahindra Pinetown on what to do when your engine overheats:
Kill the Aircon and Crank the Heat
Immediately switch off the air conditioner to ease the strain on the engine.
Then, turn the dial to great heat to pull heat away from the engine to keep it from overheating until it is safe to pull over to the side. You may get stressed and feel it is the end of the world, but waiting a few minutes is nothing compared to the high cost of engine repairs. Check around and ascertain that you pull over in a safe spot.
Find a Safe Place to Pull Over
After you have pulled over, you can switch off the vehicle. Allow the engine to cool off for approximately 15 minutes. Monitor the temperature during this period and resume your journey when the motor reverts to normal.
You can devise a plan and decide what to do to check it out. You can call someone to assist you at this time of need-a friend, roadside assistance or a mechanic.
Check and Add Coolant
Top up your coolant to avoid overheating and damage to your engine. If the coolant hose is clogged, then this will not help.

Look for the source of the problem. It could be the radiator or water pump. Refer to the manual to locate the coolant reservoir tank and how to put the coolant.
Restart the Engine
Restart your vehicle and drive to CMH Mahindra Pinetown for inspection. Keep your focus on the temperature gauge to monitor the heat while you are on your way to us.
What to do When your Engine Overheats
Don’t Panic
You can keep cool even though your engine is not. You can avoid traffic and use your brakes very harshly when pulling over.
Bring your Car to a Halt
Running while being overheated is a costly mistake that could set you back a couple of rands. Moreover, you might not make it to your intended destination.
Avoid Opening the Bonnet Instantly
Once you have stopped on the side, wait for the engine is cooled down before opening the bonnet. You can get burnt, injured and cause risks to yourself if you open the bonnet while the engine spurts out smoke.

You will have to be very patient during this period. The temperature gauge must settle then you can open the bonnet.
Do Not Let the Issue Linger
The issue will not self-mend or disappear by simply topping up the coolant. Address it with the seriousness it needs to avoid being without a vehicle. Save your engine while you can.
How to Prevent an Engine Overheat
To prevent an engine from overheating, you should flush the coolant regularly to maintain your radiator.

Run regular inspections to avoid problems like this. This Month, feel the heat at the beach, not on the road. Keep your cool. Start making your adventurous journey with Mahindra. Start your journey with Mahindra.